How To Tell If An Egg Is Good To Eat — Do Eggs Go Bad?

Sometimes, the contents of your fridges might get neglected. It’s cool, we do it too! (With all the fridges in our test kitchen, it’s very easy for things to go unnoticed a little too long.) Next thing you know, you’re about to make yourself an omelet and you think, How long ago did I buy these eggs? Unlike milk and bread, it’s a little difficult to tell whether eggs are past their prime. Read on for our guide to determining egg freshness—trust us, it’s eggstremely easy. (Sorry, I’ll stop!)

1. Check The Expiration Date

I know, I know, this is like asking someone with computer troubles if they’ve tried restarting. Even though expiration dates are more like estimations than rules, they can be good indicators if an egg has gone bad. Generally speaking, eggs should be used within five weeks of being purchased, but figuring out the expiration date can be tricky. If you don’t see a specific date on your carton, there should be a three-digit number (called the “Julian date”) indicating what day of the year your eggs were packed.

2. Give ‘Em A Sniff

The nose knows! As with most other fresh foods, bad eggs will have an unmistakable rotten smell. First, smell the shell. If you’re uncertain, crack your egg into a bowl and give it another sniff. You know how they say “no news is good news?” The same applies for smelly eggs. No smell = good eggs. If your eggs are giving off any sort of stench, they gotta be trashed.


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3. If You’re Still Not Sure, Do The Float Test

This old school freshness test really works. Fill a large bowl with cool water at least 4 inches deep. Drop in your egg, and see how it settles in the water. If it sinks and lays flat, it’s super fresh. That’s because egg shells are porous, therefore let in air over time. If your egg sinks and stands straight up, its pretty fresh. If it floats, it’s OLD. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, but refer to Step 2 to make sure it passes the smell test. If it does, get back to that omelet! I suggest the Philly Cheesesteak Omelet.

Headshot of Lena Abraham


Lena Abraham is a freelance contributor with Delish, and was formerly Senior Food Editor, where she developed and styled recipes for video and photo, and also stayed on top of current food trends. She’s been working in the food industry for over 10 years, and will argue that the best fish tacos in the world are made in New York. Don’t @ her.

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